UKSPF Skills Innovation Accelerator Programme: Re-imagining Learning Spaces

Grant funding available now. If you’ve got space at your location that you’re not using or that could be revitalised, then apply for funding to transform it and enable local learning.

What’s the Re-imagining Learning Space Fund?

We are looking to support learning providers, museums, libraries, community spaces, VCSF sector and employer organisations re-imagine, redesign, and remake their physical and digital spaces in a way that enables different forms of learning to take place. Please Note: We do not anticipate funding the building of new physical spaces, but rather the adaptation of existing spacesIf you are not the Property/landowner, you will need to evidence their permission alongside your Expression of Interest. 

What’s the purpose of the funding?

To create spaces that make learning more accessible, engaging, and relevant, and will drive up engagement from residents aged 16+ with the local skills offer. In addition, the funding aims to support the creation of volunteering opportunities – with opportunities for local communities to get involved in redesigning the spaces. 

What type of activities might this include: 

Inclusivity and accessibility will be the guiding principles behind any redesign – applicants will need to demonstrate how the works undertaken will remove existing barriers to engagement. These spaces will make learning more accessible, engaging, and relevant, and will drive up engagement with the local skills offer. Whether this is physical or digital. 

We are open to fund a variety of spaces and costs as part of this grant and welcome creativity; we love to hear about all of the different and unique opportunities that you provide to the community look forward to hearing how you would like to use this grant 

Example activity might include: 

  • A local library converting an unused space in an existing venue to house a tool library – investing in tools and learning materials that support local people to gain greater confidence in their ability to fix and maintain their belongings.   
  • A refugee-focused agency redesigning rooms to create trauma-informed learning spaces such that they are supportive, calming, and welcoming. For example, by installing sound dampeners, creating quiet zones or installing storage to provide clear sightlines to windows and exits.  
  • A museum showcasing their collections online, allowing people to digitally interact with these objects and learn about their history. These online learning experiences would then signpost learners to further learning, volunteering and progression opportunities. 
  • A business re-imagining a space within their building into a training room to be used for various training opportunities, which could then support additional employment opportunities within the organisation. 
  • A school to design an outdoor learning space which could encourage parents and families to come and grow their own produce and learn all about the sustainability of growing your own food. 

How much funding can I apply for?

Applications are invited for any amount up to a maximum value of £5000. If you would like to put forward a proposal for an amount in excess of this value please contact us at the email address below. The deadline to apply for this funding is 31st September 2024. We will then review all applications and award the most innovative and creative learning spaces. 

Am I eligible, what do I require?

  • Bank Statement dated within the last 6 months
  • Proof of ownership or agreement to be able to make changes to the space.
  • Public liability insurance


This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.


I’m interested – what should I do next?

Please click find out more to locate the expression of interest form. We will then be able to send you the relevant documentation and application form for the funding stream you are applying for. We are also accepting Video applications for this area of funding. If you would like to send us a video application please state this on your expression of interest. 

Last updated: 05 April 2024, 11:38