2025 Sleep Conference:
Join us as we bring you our second Sleep Conference ‘Sleep for All’ in 2025. The conference is, once again, taking place over two days, with the first day exploring children and young people’s sleep and the second day focusing on adult sleep.
Sleep is essential for health and wellbeing, whether that’s a child, a young person or an adult, and we strongly believe that professionals who armed with evidence based, up to date information and education can really help to transform lives.
Our conference will highlight what’s happening right now in the sleep industry so you can go away with new ideas, knowledge and skills to help make a difference to those you support.
Alongside the conference, we are delighted to be hosting our first Wellbeing Show – an inspiring event that will bring together a range of organisations, services and products that can enhance the quality of sleep and overall wellbeing.
Reasons to visit:
Our conference brings together a host of brilliant speakers lined up over the two days with a mix of inspiring seminar talks, informative workshop style sessions and Q&A opportunities, exploring the subject of sleep in more depth.
You’ll go back to your role with loads of helpful advice, techniques and tools to help you support those on a journey to better sleep.
Plus it’s a prime networking opportunity to meet with fellow professionals, and visit our new Wellbeing Show that is running alongside the conference.
When and Where:
28th February and 1st March 2025
Holiday Inn, High Rd, Warmsworth, Doncaster, DN4 9UX
Ticket prices and how to book:
£90 for one day
£155 for two days
Ticket price includes refreshments and lunch.
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