
IMPACT! How to make your business STANDOUT in these extraordinary times

  • Venue:The Crown Hotel
  • Date:15th May 2023
  • Price:FREE

IMPACT! How to make your business STANDOUT in these extraordinary times:

This specially curated event is all about moving.

Specifically, moving — and moving quickly — to become what’s known as an IMPACT-DRIVEN business.

Here 4 times TEDx speaker, Paul Dunn, unlocks a process for you that’s been adopted now by thousands of businesses around the world. It’s a move through this ‘arc’:

from STANDARD to STANDOUT because you STAND FOR (something bigger than yourself).

It’s an enormously powerful shift. And it’s needed — now.

You get an extraordinarily simple way of putting real impact-creation right at the heart of your business. It gives you a new way forward. Not just for now, but for way beyond too.

Paul leads you at super-fast speed on this journey with you understanding very, very clearly:


✔️ How to create a business that people love to buy from, people love to work with AND people respect and refer — a business that matters

✔️ A simple ‘When this …. then this’ sequence that changes everything.

✔️ How using what seems like the tiny Power of Small creates HUGE outcomes for you.

✔️ Purpose powers you. But IMPACT powers you even more

✔️ How to Live and Leverage a Legacy rather than simply Leaving one.

✔️ Precisely why there’s never been a better time than now to make it happen.


We said earlier that it’s a powerful and much-needed shift.

A previous attendee put it like this: “After this one event with Paul, our business did what we never thought it could do and I became someone I never thought I could be.”

That’s the profoundly important promise of this event. It’s game-changing for you.


To reserve your place simply email:

(please state how many seats you require)


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  • The Crown Hotel
  • High Street
  • Bawtry
  • Doncaster
  • DN10 6TJ

Date and time

  • 15th May 2023, 11:00am - 12:30pm

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