
SCR Digi-Rail Get into Rail workshop - February

  • Venue:UKRRIN Facility at Unipart Rail
  • Date:15th Feb 2023 - 16th Feb 2023
  • Price:FREE

SCR Digi-Rail Get into Rail workshop:

  • Day 1: Wednesday 15th February 2023 09:30 to 14:30 Sessions 1 & 2;
  • Day 2: Thursday 16th February 2023  09:30 to 14:30 Sessions 3 & 4. 

These Get into Rail workshops are designed to help SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) understand how to begin their journey into the rail sector.  You will learn about terminology, accreditations and where you might find opportunities in rail across the industry, as well as being able to network with your peers.  

Please secure your space by contacting


Get into Rail is part of SCR Digi-Rail. 

How else the SCR Digi-Rail programme can help you grow and thrive in Rail:

SCR Digi-Rail offers 12 to 36 hours of FREE technical and non technical support for SMEs in the South Yorkshire MCA region; Either to help you get into rail as outlined above, or bring a new product/service into rail.  The focus is on digital rail and Digi-Rail supports a broad range of digital system areas including but not limited to:

  • Future railway operations and control
  • Traffic management 
  • Rolling stock design
  • Energy optimization
  • Railway traction
  • BIM and industry 4.0
  • Smart ticketing 
  • Future wireless networks 
  • Station information systems 
  • Smart stations 
  • IoT and cyber security

Digi-Rail can also support solutions with an electrical current,  such as the Smart Trolley - digitising (adding sensors and a motor to a standard rail hand trolley) please see this case study:

The University of Birmingham BCRRE runs the SCR DR programme with its industry partner Unipart Rail.  The University of Birmingham BCRRE has a wealth of knowledge in digital rail, testing, research and validation.  They are the largest university based centre for research and education in rail with over 180 researchers and staff, with world leading expertise in railway systems and infrastructure.  Unipart Rail brings their expertise in market intelligence, product development, supply chain and logistic support and commercialisation skills.  

After the success of the West Midland Digi-Rail programme (created by the U of Birmingham, funded by EDRF) it led to the funding of the SCR DR version.

Please see more information at:



  • UKRRIN Facility at Unipart Rail
  • Doncaster

Date and time

  • 15th Feb 2023, 9:30am
  • to 16th Feb 2023, 2:30pm

Contact details

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