Doncaster continues to bridge the gap between employment and education

by Heather Hamilton

The South Yorkshire Careers Hub is inviting Doncaster employers from all sectors to join the various local school engagement strands.

What is a Careers Hub? Careers Hubs are a national initiative funded by The Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC) to establish a focussed and coordinated approach amongst local employers, training and apprenticeship providers and Local Authorities to enable schools and colleges to implement high-quality and meaningful Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) and ensure that every young person finds their best next step.

The South Yorkshire Careers Hub is designed to forge links between employers, schools, colleges, training providers and other partners, enhancing careers education and promoting opportunities to benefit from unique work experiences in a meaningful way that will help support young people in the next steps in their educational journey and longer-term career aspirations.

On a local level, the Hub will support Doncaster schools with careers education and employer engagement to fill gaps in local provision and capitalise on opportunities to innovate with experiences that meet the needs of schools and local employers, ensuring that every young person is supported in their next steps, whether that is further education, training, or employment.

The Hub is a great opportunity to bring educators and employers together to provide opportunities for young people. Maximising this connectivity is crucial to every school’s Careers programme as it allows for schools and colleges to draw on the expertise of industry specialists from a variety of sectors. Regular and meaningful encounters with employers enables young people to be exposed to life beyond the school / college environment. Access to school and college Careers programmes allows employers to develop new talent pipelines, close skills gaps and help young people master essential skills for the workplace.

All Doncaster employers are invited to take part and whilst employers from all sectors are welcome, there are lower numbers in the following sectors:

  • Public Sector
  • Leisure and Tourism
  • Sport
  • Health and Social Care
  • Retail and Wholesale
  • Creative and Digital
  • Culture and Media
  • Third Sector/Charity

The Careers Hub also provides training and support to both educators and employers and aims to bridge the gap between education and employment. This includes leading on school engagement initiatives, such as: 

Interested? To learn more about how to get involved or arrange an informal conversation, please contact:

For further information visit: South Yorkshire Careers Hub - City of Doncaster Council
