Doncaster goes purple to celebrate the City Bid

Following a campaign backed by Doncaster communities, businesses and young people, Doncaster today officially submits its bid to become a city through the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

To mark the occasion, community and business venues are being encouraged to light up their buildings in purple, or for people to wear purple on Wednesday 8 December and to share photos on social media using the campaign hashtag #GoingForItDN.

Amongst the buildings and places lighting up in purple for the day are: Mansion House, Corn Exchange, Cusworth Hall, Savoy Theatre, Wool Market, Doncaster Royal Infirmary, Silver Street and Lakeside shopping complex. Staff at the Frenchgate Shopping Centre will also be dressed in purple.

A selection of the short videos sharing different reasons why people are backing the bid for city status will be re-shared on social media throughout the day, as well as new videos in celebration of the bid being submitted.

The honour of city status is granted through a competition for UK towns held to coincide with significant royal milestones, this time as part of the celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, next year.

Doncaster’s bid has been compiled by Team Doncaster, a strategic partnership of organisations from across the public, private, voluntary, community and faith sectors in the borough.

Dan Fell, Chief Executive of Doncaster Chamber, said: “The bid highlights all sorts of fantastic ways that Doncaster already looks and feels like a city, including our sporting teams and facilities, rich heritage, vibrant culture and arts offering and thriving, diverse business community. 

“It has been a pleasure to hear people from many different businesses and communities voice their support for Doncaster through the “Going for City Doncaster” campaign.  I hope those assessing the City Status bids recognise this groundswell of support and also understand that making Doncaster a City is a terrific way of delivering on the Government’s ‘levelling up’ agenda.”

Ros Jones, Mayor of Doncaster and chair of Team Doncaster partnership, said: “Lots of people I meet already think we are a city – and we are in all but name. I am immensely proud of Doncaster. I know Doncaster is already on the map for so many brilliant things and certainly this royal stamp of approval will boost our fortunes even further.

“It has been great to see and hear so many people from all different communities showing their support for Doncaster, and sharing what they love about the borough. By submitting this bid we hope to bring new opportunities and a fantastic legacy for future generations of Doncaster’s young people to benefit from.”

Cheryl Williams, Director at Yorkshire Wildlife Park, said: “It has been great to see people of all ages, and all communities get behind this bid and show their support for Doncaster. Being recognised as a city will bring a wealth of opportunities – raising the profile of the area as a destination for tourism and for new and growing business and investment, as well as strengthening our voice at a national level.  It will really help to reinforce and further the great progress that has been made in recent years.”

Suzy Brain England, Chair of Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals, said: “With a new hospital, in a new Doncaster City we’ll be able to attract the most talented healthcare professionals in the sector, providing the highest standards of care to the people and communities of Doncaster. This really is what Doncaster deserves.”

Glyn Butcher, People Focused Group (PFG) Peer Ambassador, said: “I was born in Doncaster Royal Infirmary and grew up in Denaby. Doncaster is a big place with a big heart that puts people’s health and wellbeing at the centre of everything it does. Becoming a city will help to galvanise all our communities, spreading love, care and compassion, and uniting everyone with one vision - giving them hope and purpose which we all need after the past few years.”

College student and Doncaster Young Advisor, Courtney Helsby, said: “I’m proud to be from Doncaster and I know a lot of young people are too. We need to back this bid and give future generations a city that helps us to achieve our goals and ambitions and a place where we will want to be part of even more. This is great news and I’m backing this bid.”


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