More than 60 per cent of people want Doncaster to become City of Doncaster, according to a naming survey
The survey led by Team Doncaster shows that 62 per cent of people who responded, want the whole of Doncaster to be called City of Doncaster after the borough was named as one of eight places in the country to be granted city status as part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations this year.
Now councillors are to consider the results when they meet at September’s Full Council next week. Councillors will be told when they meet on September 8, that the community questionnaire results showed that 62 per cent of responders preferred the City of Doncaster option and 38 per cent preferred Doncaster City. They will then be asked to support the recommendation of the City of Doncaster and the name change, including that of the council, which would come into effect from November 1 2022.
Thousands of local people and businesses have taken part in the naming exercise with nearly 12,500 responses.
The exercise led by Team Doncaster, which is made up of public, private, voluntary and community sectors and oversees the delivery and achievements of the Doncaster Delivering Together Borough Strategy, was made available online and in local libraries over the summer.
Mayor Ros Jones said: “I am grateful to everyone who has taken the time to take part. Becoming a city is such a momentous and historic moment for Doncaster and we want to have a name that we can all support and get behind. We are delighted to have been one of the eight places in the country to have been given this royal honour.
“I look forward to discussing this further at the council meeting and moving forward as a city.”
This article is more than a year old, please read this content keeping it's age in mind.
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