A planning measure that would make planning permission a necessity before any building on the Doncaster Sheffield Airport (DSA) site can be demolished is to be considered.
Update: May 19 - the Article 4 Direction has been approved.
A report to City of Doncaster Council’s Portfolio Member for Planning highlights that the planning tool - which is known as an Article 4 Direction - could be made with immediate effect if approved and could help to preserve the airport and its operational ability, which is essential given the local and regional desire to see the airport re-open in the future.
The direction would ensure that any proposals to demolish buildings in the defined area are subject to a planning application and assessment via a full planning process. These buildings include the control tower, fire station, hangars, cargo and transit sheds, the runway and the terminal building.
The report which will be considered next week (May 19) sets out what the direction means, the reasons it is required, the consultation undertaken and the potential next steps.
The direction, which would be made under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended), is a means by which certain rights which would otherwise be permitted without needing to apply for planning permission (otherwise known as ‘Permitted Development Rights’) can be removed. By removing specific permitted development rights, a planning application would be required to approve any proposal to demolish buildings at the airport, and any application would therefore be subject to the normal national and local policy considerations and key statutory consultation.
Over 96 per cent of people who responded to a public consultation on the Article 4 Direction supported the move to safeguard the site. The remainder of responses were either neutral or opposed the potential move.
The report also notes that an international airport brings benefits to the residents of Doncaster. There are direct benefits, such as ease of access to an international airport for foreign or potentially domestic air travel. There are also wider economic benefits in terms of Gross Value Added (GVA) generated from jobs and businesses directly or indirectly associated with the airport in both Doncaster, South Yorkshire and the UK. An airport enables access to and from international markets for trade, businesses and tourism. It can also act as a driver to stimulate growth in higher value economic sectors which are lacking in Doncaster and can drive GVA up as well as stimulating growth in supply chains.
The Article 4 Direction is also recommended following comments made by representatives for the Peel Group that certain buildings could be at risk of demolition, although these representations did not provide specific details.
The report can be viewed by clicking the button below:
The consultation on the proposed Article 4 Direction ran from April 5 – April 26 2023 and received 271 responses. Of these, 261 (96.3 per cent) were in support, four responses against (1.5 per cent) and seven responses were neutral or did not express an opinion (2.2 per cent).
Click the button below to see all previous statements issued:
This article is more than a year old, please read this content keeping it's age in mind.
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