St James' Baths: Restoration work begins to bring it back to life

Work has begun on the first phase of a project to restore and re-open a 1930s baths complex in Doncaster that has been closed for a decade.

St James’ Baths closed in 2013, after the Grade II-listed building, home to a swimming pool and the original Turkish baths, was deemed to be in poor condition and its roof collapsed in 2018. However, Doncaster Council was successful in being awarded government Levelling Up funding for the site’s revival after initially struggling to sell it on the open market in 2019.

Although the winning bidder has not yet submitted a planning application, they have been given consent to begin interim roof repairs and scaffolding has now been erected.

Doncaster Council’s director of corporate resources, Debbie Hogg said: “We have been working with the preferred bidder for St James’ Baths for the past few months, with the aim of bringing the building back into use.

City Centre Development:

The Urban Centre Masterplan will completely transform the way Doncaster looks. This masterplan is a prospectus for investment and change that will capitalise on the potential that exists.

Whilst the focus of the masterplan is the city centre core, the benefits of future growth will extend much further, supporting all of our local communities.

The key to the success is recognition that the centre of Doncaster forms part of a wider network for the borough and beyond which relies upon connections that will benefit all of Doncaster.

To learn more about Doncaster City Centre development please click the button below:


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